Sunsastera Environment Design

"Sunsastera" is a sizzle trailer animation project which I did during 2011 to 2012. Our group participated in the annual Malaysia IPCC contest and won the Grand Winner prize in the animation category. My main task in this project is to handle all the background plates and aftereffects work. All backgrounds are done with Photoshop, Blender3D and AfterEffects.
Sunsastera - A boy discovers that he needs to save his new friends and the world by stopping a powerful weather control airship that spirals out of his control
Below is a compilation video of background arts I did for Sunsastera project.Screenshots
Some of the screenshot grab from the trailer.

Awards and Recognition
This short sizzle trailer had won the following awards:- Winner of Best Technology for "Sunsastera" animation at Seoul Promotion Plan 2014
- Behance project feature on Motion Category 2013
- Grand Winner of 2011/2012 MDEC IPCC Animation Super Pitch, "Sunsastera"
Vimeo Sunsastera Environment DesignYoutube Sunsastera Environment Design
Behance Sunsastera Environment Design
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