Lots of peoples were crazy about the Flappy Bird game a while ago. Although some said the gameplay itself are not that original, but I think it is a interesting game to be recode. So, I spend a saturday night in 2014 to remake this game together with some small changes.
Trippy Bird
I named my version "Trippy Bird". In my version, the bird will turn into different objects as you progress through the game.
Menu screen, How do I insert coin in FLASH GAME?! FUUUUUU...
Just like Flappy Bird, avoid hitting the pipes, I mean imaginary pipes.
The trippy bird think itself is a Mahjong.
The psychedelic effects is strong.
Play The Game
You can play the Flash game in my deviantart.
Trippy Bird Flash Game
Download Vanilla FLA source code
You can download a vanilla version of this game. No graphic, sound, music are included.
Trippy Bird Flash Source Code
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